FREE Downloads
Click on a picture to download an image suitable for medium sized web or print use

The stained glass cross used in many of my designs. Actually based on a photo of a fused glass art piece I made over a decade ago.
The idea was that the various colored glass chips would represent all the different types of people gathered together around Jesus.

Four pairs of Bible verses presented in a pleasing pastoral scene.
Also available as a larger poster in the Other Stuff section below.
Letters formatted for larger paper sizes (margins suitable for normal printing or double sided then bound into a magazine)

(PDF Format)

(PDF Format)

Letters formatted for smaller paper sizes (larger relative font sizes for normal printing or double-sided and booklet printing)

(PDF Format)

(PDF Format)

Does “Believe” Mean?
(PDF Format)
T-shirts, Mugs, Jigsaw Puzzles, Posters etc.
Zazzle is an online storefront that helps creative people sell their designs on a variety of Zazzle-produced products. They frequently offer discounts of 5-50% off in selected categories, and have a free shipping membership option for a nominal yearly fee. Look for a free trial period, and sign up with an email address to know which product categories are currently discounted. They also have an excellent customer service policy if there are any issues with products or ordering.
Click any pic to go to my t-shirt designs at Zazzle (this is just a small sample)
The same t-shirts but with this website’s url added
My other stuff at Zazzle (posters, mugs, mousepads, puzzles etc)